Hi, I'm Louie Bacaj.

I am a Software Engineer who turned Entrepreneur.

I used to manage many engineering teams. I also invest in real estate. I enjoy making money with bits and diversifying out into atoms.

I write. And I teach other introverts, like myself, to get started with newsletters and sharing online.

And I love building software, tools, and info products.

If you'd like to know more, I wrote a little more of my story here.

Louie Bacaj - Software Engineer turned Entrepreneur

I've been a guest on:

The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter featuring Louie Bacaj
Write of Passage blog featuring Louie Bacaj case study
Tech Lead Journal podcast featuring Louie Bacaj
Bootstrapped Founder podcast featuring Louie Bacaj
Taro course by Louie Bacaj: Timeless Career Advice for Software Engineers
Writer On The Side podcast featuring Louie Bacaj on how to start a successful newsletter

A few recent essays I've written:

Two Years In The Arena

The M&Ms Newsletter: 119th Edition

Lessons from my two year anniversary since quitting the big company job, walking away from a huge guaranteed salary, to become an entrepreneur.

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How to Find Ideas to Build

The M&Ms Newsletter: 144th Edition

A formula for finding ideas to build out. This is what I did to make my first few dollars online on my own and what I saw many others do too.

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The Original "PDF Hustler"

Small Bets Newsletter

How writing an annual almanack led to Benjamin Franklin's fortune, and the freedom to pursue a multi-disciplinary life.

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